This is a regular CATCH summary of votes at committee and council meetings. This report covers the month of June 2017. The first line of each entry identifies the issue, followed by a brief description. This is followed by the location of the vote. Multiple votes on the same issue are reported together. Absentees are only listed where reported in the minutes and where the missing councillors are members of that committee or decision-making body. Links are provided to source documents. Note that the vast majority of council decisions are unanimous and the votes are not officially recorded. Changes to the city’s website mean it is no longer possible to provide direct links to motions and staff reports.
Vacancy rebate
The city provides a 30 percent tax rebate for vacant portions of industrial and commercial properties. The Ontario government now allows that rebate to be eliminated. Staff recommended doing so, lowering the rebate to 15 percent next year and zero in 2019. Committee approved the change 8-5 including an amendment by Merulla that directs staff to consider utilizing the $1.25 million savings for an affordable housing incentive program.
At General Issues Committee, June 7 Minutes p1, 8-9
For: Collins, Eisenberger, Farr, Jackson, Green, A Johnson, Merulla, Partridge
Against: Conley, Ferguson, B Johnson, Pearson, Skelly
Absent: Pasuta, VanderBeek, Whitehead
Civic rings
The governance review sub-committee recommended that a civic ring be given to councillors who have been elected for at least one term or who died in office on death, or retirement or electoral defeat. Councillor Green was recorded opposed to the decision. Committee approved the recommendation.
At Audit, Finance and Administration Committee, June 12 Minutes p5, 8
Recorded opposed: A Johnson, Skelly
At City Council, June 14 Minutes p13-14
Recorded opposed: Green, A Johnson, B Johnson, Skelly
Licensing changes
As part of the city’s “Open for Business” initiative, staff recommended several changes to the Business Licensing By-Law including moving pawnbrokers and salvage firms into separate schedules. The changes were presented as three agenda items but combined into one approval after hearing from three delegations.
At Planning Committee, June 20 Minutes p4, 10-11
Recorded opposed: Green
Dundas alleyway
Staff recommended closing and selling an alleyway in Dundas. Public works committee approved the recommendations after hearing from 31 delegations and receiving correspondence from seven others. At city council there was an amendment from Vanderbeek requiring the new owner to apply for a heritage permit “to allow for the retroactive paving of the alleyway” and the amended motion was approved.
At City Council, June 28 Minutes p8-10
Recorded opposed: A Johnson, Partridge