This is a regular CATCH summary of votes at committee and council meetings. This report covers the month of June 2014. The first line of each entry identifies the issue, followed by a brief description. This is followed by the location of the vote in the third line. Multiple votes on the same issue are reported together. Absentees are only listed where reported in the minutes and where the missing councillors are members of that committee or decision-making body. Links are provided to source documents. Note that the vast majority of council decisions are unanimous and the votes are not officially recorded.
Discretionary law enforcement during World Cup
Farr introduced a notice of motion to direct bylaw enforcement officers to “use discretion when enforcing the bylaw to not allow televisions on patios” during the world cup soccer matches. Committee voted 7-1 to waive the rules to allow the motion to be debated, but it was then defeated.
At Planning Committee, June 3 Minutes p13 (7-1) (3-5)
For waiving the rules : Farr, Ferguson, Johnson, Partridge, Pasuta, Pearson, Whitehead
Against: Clark,
Absent: Collins
For the motion: Farr, Pearson, Whitehead
Against: Clark, Ferguson, Johnson, Partridge, Pasuta
Absent: Collins
Delegation request re police lapel cameras
A request by Norm Dorr to speak to committee about lapel cameras for police officers was approved 12-1.
At General Issues Committee, June 4 Minutes p11 (12-1)
For the amendment: Clark, Collins, Duvall, Farr, Johnson, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Partridge, Pasuta, Powers, Whitehead
Against: Ferguson
Absent: Bratina, Jackson, Pearson
For the amended motion: Collins, Duvall, Farr, Ferguson, Jackson, Johnson, Merulla, Morrow, Pearson, Powers, Whitehead
Against: Bratina, Clark, McHattie, Partridge, Pasuta
Civic gateway signage
Staff recommended a $230,000 civic gateway sign near Highway 6 and the 403, and consideration in future budgets for additional locations. An amendment by Jackson asking staff to continue reporting back on cost was approved with four councillors recorded as opposed. A motion by McHattie to refer the report back to staff to seek alternative funding and in-kind support was approved with two councillors recorded as opposed. Three councillors recorded their opposition at city council.
At General Issues Committee, June 4 Minutes p15-16
Recorded opposed to report-back amendment: Clark, Johnson, Merulla, Powers
Recorded opposed to referral motion: Clark, Partridge
At City Council, June 11 Minutes p7
Recorded opposed: Collins, Merulla, Partridge
Farmers’ market management
A staff report on this item is not public because it was intended to be discussed in camera, but committee approved an extension of the current management contract (due to expire this month) to the point when a new not-for-profit corporation and the city reach a new management contract. One councillor asked to be recorded as opposed.
At General Issues Committee, June 4 Minutes p9, 19
Recorded opposed: Jackson
At City Council, June 11 Minutes p7
Recorded opposed: Jackson
Public Works reorganization
Staff recommended reorganizational changes in the Public Works department which were approved by the public works committee. Part (d) established a “Manager of Winter Control” through the conversion of one vacant concrete finisher position.
At City Council, June 11 Minutes p4
Recorded opposed to part (d): Clark
Development charges
A new development charges bylaw was approved by the general issues committee to take effect July 6. At city council, Clark moved an amendment to delay any increases in industrial development fees until January 6, 2015 and then to collect only 50 percent of the approved increases until July 6, 2015. The amendment was approved 9-6 and the amended bylaw was approved 14-1.
At City Council, June 11 Minutes p6-7
For the amendment: Bratina, Clark, Farr, Johnson, Partridge, Pasuta, Pearson, Powers, Whitehead
Against: Collins, Duvall, Jackson, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow
Absent: Ferguson
For the main motion: Bratina, Clark, Collins, Duvall, Farr, Jackson, Johnson, McHattie, Morrow, Partridge, Pasuta, Pearson, Powers, Whitehead
Against: Merulla
Absent: Ferguson
Cannon bike lanes
The Cannon Street pilot bi-directional bike lanes project was approved by the general issues committee. At city council McHattie moved an amendment to spend $25,000 from the cycling infrastructure account to undertake a communications plan regarding the project. Two councillors were recorded as opposed.
At City Council, June 11 Minutes p11-12
Recorded opposed: Clark, Collins
Fluoridation citizens’ panel
At council’s request, staff reported on the costs of a citizens’ panel on fluoridation. A motion to simply receive the information passed 11-1.
At Board of Health, June 16 Minutes p3, 6-7
For: Bratina, Clark, Collins, Farr, Johnson, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Pasuta, Pearson, Powers
Against: Jackson
Absent: Duvall, Ferguson, Partridge, Whitehead
National strategy for dementia
A notice of motion put forward by McHattie endorsing an MP’s private member’s bill on a national strategy for dementia. A proposal to waive the rules to allow an immediate debate on the motion was approved 8-3 and the motion was approved 7-4.
At Board of Health, June 16 Minutes p7-8 (8-3) (7-4)
For waiving the rules: Bratina, Collins, Farr, Jackson, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Pearson
Against: Clark, Pasuta, Powers
Absent: Duvall, Ferguson, Partridge, Whitehead
Abstain: Johnson
For the motion: Collins, Farr, Jackson, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Pearson
Against: Bratina, Clark, Pasuta, Powers
Absent: Duvall, Ferguson, Partridge, Whitehead
Abstain: Johnson
Community health educator/navigator
A notice of motion was put forward by McHattie regarding the community health educator/navigator program and requesting federal funding. A proposal to waive the rules to immediately debate the motion was defeated on a 5-5 tie vote.
At Board of Health, June 16 Minutes p8-9 (5-5)
For waiving the rules: Collins, Farr, Johnson, McHattie, Merulla
Against: Bratina, Clark, Pasuta, Pearson, Powers
Absent: Duvall, Ferguson, Jackson, Morrow, Partridge, Whitehead
Police animal protection
Staff recommended a bylaw to protect police animals. An amendment by Collins to increase the fine from $250 to $500 lost 3-5 before the bylaw was approved.
At Planning Committee, June 17 Minutes p11, 27
For higher fines: Clark, Collins, Farr
Against: Ferguson, Johnson, Pasuta, Pearson, Whitehead
Absent: Partridge
Bayfront strategy funding
Staff recommended increasing the budget for the Bayfront industrial strategy from $132,000 to $360,000 to cover a market opportunities review and brownfield strategy. Committee approved the recommendation. An amendment by Collins that a clear terms of reference be provided by staff before proceeding.
At General Issues Committee, June 18 & 23, Minutes p16-17
Recorded opposed to the amendment: Bratina
Community Partnership Program
Staff recommended a new “City Enrichment Fund” to replace the community grants program with a 30-day public input period and a final draft to be presented in September with increased funding of $500,000 for arts and arts festivals and $250,000 for community services and sports and recreation to be referred to the 2015 budget process. A McHattie amendment was approved that removed the $500,000 and directed the $250,000 categories to be communities, culture and heritage; sports and recreation; community services; and agriculture and environment. Merulla moved to reduce to $0 after 2016 the budgets of the Art Gallery, the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, Festival of Friends, Boris Brott and Theatre Aquarius to “provide a level playing field for existing and future applicants”. Before voting on this there was a motion to refer this amendment to staff which was defeated 2-11. The main motion was then adopted 13-0.
At General Issues Committee, June 18 & 23, Minutes p23-24 (2-11) (13-0)
For referral: Collins, Merulla
Against: Clark, Farr, Ferguson, Jackson, Johnson, McHattie, Morrow, Partridge, Pearson, Powers, Whitehead
Absent: Bratina, Duvall, Pasuta
For the main motion: Clark, Collins, Farr, Ferguson, Jackson, Johnson, McHattie, Merulla Morrow, Partridge, Pearson, Powers, Whitehead
Against: none
Absent: Bratina, Duvall, Pasuta
Woodland conservation
Staff presented a draft woodland conservation bylaw to apply to private woodlots larger than one-half acre in the urban area and recommended a period of public review and comment. A McHattie amendment to return the bylaw to committee by July 8 was defeated 4-8 and a subsequent amendment set the date as August 12. The amended motion was approved unanimously
At General Issues Committee, June 18 & 23, Minutes p26 (4-8)
For: Farr, McHattie, Morrow, Whitehead
Against: Bratina, Clark, Ferguson, Johnson, Partridge, Pasuta, Pearson, Powers
Absent: Collins, Duvall, Jackson, Merulla,
Randle Reef cleanup
A motion by Merulla to hold a meeting as soon as possible about the delay in cleanup of Randle Reef with federal and provincial and elected representatives was defeated 6-7.
At General Issues Committee, June 18 & 23, Minutes p30 (6-7)
For: Collins, Farr, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Whitehead
Against: Bratina, Clark, Ferguson, Johnson, Partridge, Pearson, Powers
Absent: Duvall, Jackson, Pasuta
Auchmar proposal
Whitehead moved to put the request for proposals process on hold because a proposal has been received from a local non-profit group, and direct staff to review the proposal and work with the group. The motion was defeated 6-7.
At General Issues Committee, June 18 & 23, Minutes p31-32 (6-7)
For: Collins, Farr, McHattie, Merulla, Morrow, Whitehead
Against: Bratina, Clark, Ferguson, Johnson, Partridge, Pearson, Powers
Absent: Duvall, Jackson, Pasuta